Reflection on the Fall Retreat for Friends of Color

25 Friends gathered for fellowship and mutual care at the Fall Retreat for Friends of Color.

The Quaker Decision Making Model

Marina McPhail, an FGC intern in 2024, explores Quaker decision-making and its impact on justice.

Quaker Humanitarianism in the Vietnam War

Henry Morgan, an FGC intern in 2024, explains actions that some Quakers took to defend human rights during the time of the Vietnam War.

Quakers and Palestine / Israel

Henry Morgan, an FGC intern in 2024, explores Quaker responses to the war in Gaza.

Quaker Quietude: A simple tool for finding peace in the noise

Marina McPhail, an FGC intern in 2024, shares about the brave and unusual ministry of Benjamin Lay.

President Nixon and Quakerism: Religion as America’s Political Underbelly

Christina Pan, an FGC intern in 2024, shares about the contradictions present in President Nixon’s Quaker faith.

Quakers and Non-Dualistic Buddhism

Christina Pan, an FGC intern in 2024, explores some of the intersections between Quakerism and Buddhism.

The Life and Legacy of Benjamin Lay

Marina McPhail, an FGC intern in 2024, shares about the brave and unusual ministry of Benjamin Lay.

Quaker Activism in the 1940s

Henry Morgan, an FGC intern in 2024, shares about the complexities that can occur when applying the peace testimony to times of war.

Reforming the Modern Prison System With Quaker Values in Mind

The modern prison system is a legacy of Quaker ideology, asserts Christina Pan, FGC’s intern through the Georgetown VIEW Program.

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