Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Bloomington Friends’ expansion of in-person meeting for worship

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Bloomington Friends’ expansion of in-person meeting for worship:

Bloomington Friends hold as a high value meeting in person for worship, while taking seriously the need for protecting everyone’s health and safety.  What follows are our current guidelines for worship and fellowship at the meetinghouse.  We continue to explore technological solutions for satisfactory hybrid gatherings.

We recognize that as circumstances and public health guidance change, our guidelines will need to be revisited and modified appropriately.  Let us all seek divine help in discerning how we continue in these matters, both as a spiritual community and as individuals.

Bloomington Friends Meeting approved on July 11, 2021 (a revision from previous June 2021 minute)

We expect both vaccinated and unvaccinated people to wear masks indoors except
when sharing a message in Meeting for Worship or when taking a bite or sipping a drink in the Fellowship Hall.
Recognizing that there is as yet no vaccine available to children under thirteen, we ask that those who can do so be
outside for our fellowship time. We encourage people to move outside when feasible and practice social distancing

Bloomington Friends Meeting approved on June 13, 2021:

To make the Meetinghouse available to all Friends for Meeting for Worship, while continuing the Zoom option.

To ask that unvaccinated people who attend in person abide by the “Two Out of Three Rule” [to observe at least two of the precautions of (1) wearing a mask, (2) 6’ distancing, and (3) being outdoors] and to ask that everyone be sensitive to the needs of others.

To invite the children to meet masked outdoors during Sunday worship time, so long as some children are unvaccinated.

To limit eating and drinking to outdoors for unvaccinated adults and children.

To continue to make masks and hand sanitizer available.

To ask those attending a gathering at the Meetinghouse to sign in for the purpose of possible future contact tracing.

To pursue the development of a seating plan that accommodates those who want to be distanced.

To continue singing in a hybrid format, with some at the Meetinghouse and some on Zoom (current recommendations are for 10’ distancing and wearing masks indoors if unvaccinated)
