Schuylkill Monthly Meeting
Location Details:
Schuylkill Friends Meeting House
37 N Whitehorse Rd
Phoenixville, PA 19460
Schuylkill Friends Meeting is a Quaker religious meeting located in a scenic area of Phoenixville, PA. We are a community that welcomes everyone as we gather to begin worship in silence, seeking to be attentive to receiving messages of Divine Truth from the Christ Within each of us, also known to us as The Light, the Seed, Spirit, and the Inward Teacher. Schuylkill Friends Meeting warmly invites you to attend our Sunday morning worship at 10 am.
Worship Times
Spring & Summer & Fall & Winter
- Every Week
- Sunday/First Day
- Start Time: 10:00 AM
Worship Time Details
Schuylkill Friends Meeting is a Quaker church located in a scenic area of Phoenixville. Support through fellowship is the primary means of worship at Schuylkill with open readings and group discussions. After every meeting, participants are encouraged to socialize and enjoy light refreshments. Schuylkill Friends Meeting warmly invites you to attend their Sunday morning worship.Adult Programming
Once a month, Friends Reading Group gathers to study various texts.
Social Justice Activities
The Way Forward. Helping connect Phoenixville Quakers and others who want to work together in promoting peace, justice, and sustainable living in our area.