Event Details

Next Event Date

Event Date: Monday, December 9, 2024

Event Time

Event Time: 8:00 PM - to 9:00 PM

All events are Eastern Time

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Repeating Event Schedule

Repeating Event Date Range: The second Monday of every month

Event Time: 8:00 PM - to 9:00 PM

All events are Eastern Time

Event Description

Goal: Spiritual Deepening’s Worship for Newcomers aims to support Friends and seekers new to Quakerism. This program will introduce Newcomers to Quaker worship practices as well as allow them to ask questions and reflect on their experiences as they flow through their journey in worship spaces with Friends from the seasoned to the seeking.  

Audience: Worship for Newcomers is for folks who are curious about Quaker worship and are eager to learn in community. It is also a great companion experience for attenders of SD programming, such as the Silence and Light eRetreat for Newcomers.  

Background: After review of data from evaluations of the April 2022 and May 2021 Silence and Light eRetreats, one noticing is that attenders crave more worshipful connection. This meeting is Spiritual Deepening’s response to that noticing.    

How to attend: If you are interested in attending Meeting for Worship for Newcomers and Seekers, please fill out the registration form so we can keep you updated. There is no registration fee required to attend this Spiritual Deepening offering.

**Starting in June 2024, Worship for Newcomers and Seekers will be held on Mondays at 8:00pm EST/ 5:00 pm PT **

Location Details


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