Registration for the Online Gathering is open!
The deadline for Online Gathering registration is Monday, January 27.
After January 3, financial aid will be allocated on a rolling basis.
Who comes to the Online Gathering?
The FGC Online Gathering is an event held on Zoom for adults & teens, held February 1-9, 2025. The Online Gathering offers a wide variety of programs and events throughout the week, including online workshops, worship sharing, plenary speakers, bible half hour and more! Learn more about Online Gathering events.
How to Register
Read these tips before beginning online registration–then click the “Register for the Online Gathering” button at the bottom of the page.
- Decisions to Make Before Registering
- Allow Gathering Emails
- Registration Troubleshooting
- Start your Registration
Decisions to Make Before Registering
When you have made the decisions below and prepared your email inbox for our messages, expect to spend 20 – 30 minutes to register. If more than one person in your household is planning to attend, each person must register individually.
- Choose your events package There are several choices for how much of the event you will attend. Are you registering for all Gathering events? Just workshops, worship, and afternoon activities? Weekends only? See Gathering event package options here – all events are held online!
- What workshop are you taking? If you’ve chosen a package that includes workshops, you can choose from a workshop that meets on a single weekend day, on two weekend days, once a day from Monday-Friday, or multiple workshops! Participants registered for the Full Gathering program may register for up to 3 workshops.
The workshops you register for are the ones that you will be attending at the Online Gathering. Each workshop has a limited capacity, so some workshops may fill up! See workshop times and choices here. - Which price option are you choosing? We are offering Pay as Led sliding scale pricing. We ask attenders to consider their financial resources and the value they believe the Gathering brings to their life and to Friends. There are several fee levels to choose from – learn more about Fee levels and financial aid. After January 3, financial aid will be allocated on a rolling basis.
- Email address The 2025 Online Gathering is taking place on Zoom, and we’ll be emailing the login information for the different events you are registered for.
- Emergency Contact In case of emergency while you are at the Gathering, who should we contact?
- Any donations: There will be an opportunity to decide whether you want to make a contribution toward FGC Gathering or Mahala Ashley Dickerson Fund. If there is something different you had in mind for a donation, please contact the FGC Development Office.
Allow Gathering Email
Some Gathering registrants found that they missed important information because our emails went to their spam folder. We’ve made some changes to improve email delivery, but we need your help! Please take five minutes now to help us keep our emails out of your spam folder. You are not registered until you receive the Gathering registration confirmation letter!
Registration Troubleshooting
If you are having troubles registering online, don’t panic! Here are some tips:
- Look for a red error message. If you missed answering a required question or didn’t use the required format (such as including a space or a letter when a number is required), the form won’t let you proceed to the next page.
- We recommend registering from a laptop or desktop, rather than from a mobile device.
- Try switching to a different browser or clearing your browser cache.
- Having trouble making a partial payment on your credit card? Click “Other – needs staff processing” as your payment option and call us with your credit card information.
- If you accidentally charge the wrong amount to your credit card and you already clicked “Finish”, please send us an email with the correct amount. We can issue a partial refund so that you are paying the correct amount. (Do not email your credit card number!! Just explain the error and the correct amount to charge.)
- If the form won’t let you finish and you can’t figure out why, email with a description of the problem.
- Having trouble getting through to us by phone? Some of our staff work part-time. Please leave a message so that we can contact you. Email is also helpful in communicating registration problems – reach Gathering staff at
You Only Know You’ve Registered When…
… you receive a Gathering registration confirmation email from or See “allow Gathering email“ to make sure you receive the confirmation. If you do not receive the confirmation email, contact the Gathering Office for help.