Learn about the software and platforms we are using for the 2025 Online Gathering below.  


Zoom is videoconferencing software that allows users to either connect in via video (using a computer, tablet, or smartphone), or call in for audio-only on a phone. If you are using Zoom from a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you need to download the Zoom app first. When you use the meeting link, you will be prompted to download it. Please make sure you have downloaded the most up-to-date version of Zoom before the Gathering begins.  

Basic Zoom Instructions: Zoom has a helpful Getting Started Guide that has information on how to join a meeting via computer or phone, mute and unmute your microphone, use the chat and more. The videos below also give a helpful introduction for zoom users.

Have a Zoom question or problem? The Zoom Help Center is a great resource. You can get iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android device specific instructions at the bottom of each webpage in the Zoom Help Center

​Zoom instructions for phone: If you are dialing in, dial one of the Zoom phone numbers given to you, and enter the Meeting ID number followed by #. You will likely not need a participant ID, and can skip that by pressing #. Once in the meeting, you can mute and unmute yourself by pressing *6 , and you can raise your “virtual” hand by pressing *9  Step by step instructions for joining by phone

New to Zoom? Attend a Zoom Basics for Gathering Participants Session:

Zoom Basics & Sched training for Online Gathering registrants will be held in late January, and the dates and zoom links will be emailed to all Online Gathering registrants.


Sched is an online schedule for conference attenders. Gathering registrants will be able to login, view almost all of the 2025 Gathering events, including the event descriptions and Zoom meeting information, and set it to your own time zone. You have an additional option to create an account with your email address, create your own schedule of events you want to attend, and have it emailed to you. It is the easiest way to have the schedule and the links you need. 

Sched is accessible in a web browser as well as in an app. It was used at the 2020-2022 Virtual Gatherings. The link, password, and login instructions were in your Final Details email, sent January 30.

All Gathering registrants will also have the Zoom links for each day emailed to them as well. If you don’t want to use Sched, you don’t have to! But there will be lots of information there (like event descriptions) that doesn’t fit into the daily emails.

Sched video tutorial (for computer web browser and phone)

Info Desk

Need help? During the Gathering, the Info Desk volunteers are on hand to help you with your questions and tech support needs. Info Desk will be it’s own Zoom room during the Online Gathering. The Zoom link will be in your your Final Details email, sent late January.

Info Desk Hours

Saturday 2/1 & Sunday 2/2
10:30am – 9:15pm Eastern / 7:30am – 6:15pm Pacific

Monday 2/3
10:30am – 9:45pm Eastern / 7:30am – 6:45pm Pacific

Tuesday 2/4 – Friday 2/7
10:30am – 9:15pm Eastern / 7:30am – 6:15pm Pacific

Saturday 2/8
11:00am – 9:15pm Eastern / 8:00am – 6:15pm Pacific

Sunday 2/9
10:30am – 7:15pm Eastern / 7:30am – 4:15pm Pacific

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