The Religious Society of Friends is growing! All over the world, religious seekers and new Friends discover the histories, cultures, and practices of those known as the Religious Society of Friends. Many folks discover these communities through the internet and often don’t quite know where to begin.
Friends General Conference has developed this checklist to aid newcomers to the Quaker life. Try one item or try them all–do whatever works for your own faith walk!
The items on this list were recommended by FGC staff, volunteers, and other North American Quakers.
The New Quaker Checklist
- Attend Meeting for Worship for Newcomers and Seekers.
- Investigate all the branches of the Quaker Faith and determine where God is leading you.
- Read Letters to a Fellow Seeker.
- Find a local meeting and attend worship.
- Follow Quaker organizations on Social Media.
- View Quaker Speak videos.
- Read An Introduction to Quakerism by Pink Dandelion.
- Find a meeting anywhere in the world and attend virtual worship. Also visit the QWORLD Quaker Worldwide Online Links Directory Calendar.
- Explore the Spiritual Deepening Library.
- Subscribe to Friends Journal.
- Follow FGC on social media.
- Read a Pendle Hill pamphlet.
- Sign up for the emails at your local meeting– and then read them.
- Visit
- Watch Quakers: That of God in Everyone.
- Listen to Quaker podcasts.
- If your local meeting has multiple worship times, explore them all.
- Read FCNL’s Statement of Legislative Priority.
- Read two popular QuakerPress titles: Black Fire and Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship.
- Attend a potluck or “friendly eights” group event at your local meeting.
- Explore The Color Purple with FGC.
- Join the Quaker Discord or a Quaker Facebook Group.
- Read The A to Z of Friends (Quakers).
- Learn about K12 Quaker schools.
- Explore the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO).
- Join a committee at your meeting to get to know others and participate in the life of the meeting.
- Attend a youth or young adult event.
- Watch Friendly Persuasion (1956).
- Attend virtual worship for Friends of Color or for white friends confronting racism.
- Study the Bible and other texts with your meeting.
- Learn about the history of the FGC Gathering through A Gathering of Spirits.
- Talk with your children about your faith journey through Faith & Play Stories and the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative.
- Stay at a Quaker house when you travel.
- Attend an event at Pendle Hill or Ben Lomond Quaker Center.
- Explore Quaker environmental groups.
- Learn about Quaker colleges.
- Read and use Worship In Song: A Friends Hymnal.
- Are you the only person like you in your meeting? Ask and find other communities that can support you! (FLGBT, FOFAD, etc)
- Take action through the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
- Attend an FGC Spiritual Deepening eRetreat.
- Read Quaker children’s books–they are not just for kids.
- Attend a retreat for Friends of Color.
- Participate in Spring Lobby Weekend with Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL).
- Learn more about the Black Quaker Project.
- Attend the White Privilege Conference with Friends.
- Explore Invitational Spirituality and Everyday Spirituality, Every Day.
- Find out how your local meeting is supported and who does the supporting – spiritually, physically, and financially.
- Learn how to participate in the Quaker Coalition for Uprooting Racism.
- Interrogate Quakerism’s complicated legacies: Native American boarding schools, gay marriage, and racism.
- Attend your yearly meeting annual session to observe and participate in the decision-making process.
- Check out archived FGConnections articles to see how FGC has evolved.
- Attend the FGC Gathering!