2023 - June Meeting for Business Documents

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Meeting for Worship for Business

June 18, 2023 at 12:15 pm

Hybrid - Attend in person or join via Zoom

Agenda (See documents attached below)

  1. Opening Worship
  2. Reading of the Land Acknowledgement Statement
  3. Reading of Query for the Sixth Month
  4. Clerk’s Report 
  5. Finance: Approval of Budget 
  6. Finance Annual Report
  7. Care and Counsel: Resignation, Second Reading of Membership Request 
  8. PIHN/FPP: Update on Housing Family This Summer
  9. Planning for Upcoming Milestones
    1. CHFM Centennial
    2. 10th Anniversary of New Meetinghouse
  10. PQM Update
  11. Library Annual Report
  12. Tuition Assistance Committee Annual Report
  13. Minutes for Approval: May
  14. Announcements
    1. Annual Reports due in September
      1. Office and Administration
      2. Outreach 
      3. PIHN/FPP
      4. Religious Education 
      5. Treasure
    2. Release date for July 15 (3rd Sat) is tomorrow 
  15. Closing Worship


Query for the Sixth Month – Stewardship of Resources

  • How does our meeting accommodate ecological, economic, and social justice in its uses of property and money?
  • Does our meeting engage its members in supporting the meeting’s work, its ministry, and the upkeep of its property?
  • Does our meeting encourage its members to support with their time, energy and finances the quarterly and yearly meetings and other Quaker organizations?
  • To what extent does our meeting rely on current members and attenders for financial support and to what extent on other sources?
  • How do I demonstrate in my own decision making a concern for ecological, economic, and social justice?
  • How do I simplify my needs, making choices that balance self-sufficiency and fair sharing of resources?
  • Do I balance my work-life and other activities with the time and energy needed for my spiritual growth and service?
  • Do I contribute to the work of Friends in my meeting, in the quarterly and yearly meetings and in the wider world of Friends?

